I made a new NFT Collection
The New NFT Collection is a Story Collection called The Code Its a collection of 6 Images along with six chapters of a story. The Code can be seen on my NFT website The Code – Marks NFTs (marknhewitt.co.uk) The…
The New NFT Collection is a Story Collection called The Code Its a collection of 6 Images along with six chapters of a story. The Code can be seen on my NFT website The Code – Marks NFTs (marknhewitt.co.uk) The…
I can’t believe that yesterday, Reality Capture (Epic Games) showcased one of my Photogrammetry Models that is on SketchFab on one of their pages on Linked in Instagram and Facebook. To say the least, I was Made UP 🙂
I now make NFT’s on various platforms. I have made a new Subdomain to help me keep things organised. The new website is over @ if your interested.
This is the new video Intro I made for the band (Minister of Ukes) I’m involved in, The 3d MOU logo and animation were created with Blender. I used Devinchi Resolve to add the audio to the video.
Working on a new website Website for a new customer. An upgrade of their current website that’s not working as well as it should do. Also starting to host the website for them to save them valuable £££’s as they are…
Hi taking new order’s now for website development/design in April and May. Catch me before I get booked up 🙂
This is nothing here at the moment this is because I’m in the middle of constructing this website, hold on the content will flow to this location 🙂