D W Removals
A website I did for D W Removals a Removals company in Lincoln This is on the Complete Design and Hosting Package as he didn’t want to have to keep an eye on the website (make sure it was up…
A website I did for D W Removals a Removals company in Lincoln This is on the Complete Design and Hosting Package as he didn’t want to have to keep an eye on the website (make sure it was up…
I have used WordPress for many years and have experienced various problems with bots and undesirable users trying to spam my sites. I use various methods to stop them. Disable XML-PRC The first thing you should do is to disable…
A standard WordPress installation can be quite vulnerable, often targeted by bots attempting to post spam or gain unauthorized access, which can significantly slow down content delivery. To fortify my sites, particularly when I’m the sole user logging in, I…
The benefits of The Simple Cloudflare Turnstile WordPress plugin is revolutionizing the way website owners protect their sites from spam and automated abuse. This plugin offers a seamless integration with Cloudflare’s Turnstile service, providing a user-friendly and privacy-preserving alternative to…
10 Feb 2021 – This website has just received a complete makeover. New website for a client just under development for a plumbing and tiling business Website is now complete but pages and projects are being added when needed for…
UPDATE: This Website is now complete and live, the website was made for Centurion Garage New Website under development for a new client Centurion Garage, Dunholme Watch it Develop @ Will eventually replace the website @ The website is Live @
When adding functionality to your WordPress website you would usually add a pre-made plugin, usually for the WordPress Repository if you can find what you need. You may find a piece of code you want to add to your sites…
To force https: on a WordPress Website without a plugin, you can add the code below to the top of your current .htaccess file. I would do this when you first install your WordPress site to avoid the mixed content…
A website for Micro UK Computers, in Lincoln. I did this website a number of years ago while working at Micro UK as a computer engineer. I worked there for nearly 10 years. See the website @ Unfortunately this company…
Community Website for the for Bikers of Lincolnshire. This website was built in 2012, for myself. It is an ongoing project This project includes a Facebook page, a Facebook group, a Twitter account and an Instagram account, all mananged by…